Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers (confirmed):
- Andrei Bernevig (Princeton U)
- Nader Engheta (U Pennsylvania)
- Robert Kohn (New York U) on "Mechanism-based mechanical metamaterials"
- Massimo Ruzzene (U Colorado Boulder)
- Vincenzo Vitelli (U Chicago)
- Martin Wegener (Karlsruhe Inst. Tech.)
Invited Speakers (confirmed):
- Steven Anlage (U Maryland) on "Discovery of new scattering singularities in complex non-Hermitean systems"
- Barry Bradlin (U Illinois)
- Hui Cao (Yale U) on "Spatio-temporal control of light propagation in disordered media"
- Fioralba Cakoni (Rutgers U)
- Alex Cerjan (Sandia) on "An operator based approach to classifying topology in open and nonlinear systems"
- Corentin Coulais (U Amsterdam)
- Richard Craster (Imperial College)
- Philipp De L'Hougne (CNRS) on "Toward a universal model-based framework for wave control in extremely tunable meta-systems"
- Nikta Fakhri (MIT) on "Nonreciprocal living solids"
- Mathias Fink (ESPCI Paris) on "Space-time materials : from water waves to membrane waves"
- Vincenzo Galdi (U. Sannio) on "Interface effects in flatland optics"
- Sebastien Guenneau (Imperial College)
- Michael Haberman (UT Austin)
- Yakir Hadad (Tel-Aviv U)
- Taylor Hughes (U Illinois)
- Michael Katsnelson (Radboud U) on "Semiclassical theory of inhomogeneous quantum plasma"
- Alexander Khanikaev (U Central Florida)
- Philippe Lalanne (CNRS)
- Vincent Laude (CNRS)
- Guancong Ma (Hong Kong Baptist U) on "Non-Hermitean skin effects and their realization in acoustics"
- Jihong Ma (U Vermont)
- Ornella Mattei (San Francisco State U) on "Bounds on the response of lossy composites with voids"
- Sander Mann (U Amsterdam)
- Xiaoming Mao (U Michigan)
- Daniel Torrent Martí (U. Jaume I) on "Bound states in the continuum for acoustic and elastic waves"
- Yarden Mazor (Tel-Aviv U)
- Vinod Menon (City U New York)
- Owen Miller (Yale U)
- Graeme Milton (U Utah)
- Francesco Monticone (Cornell U)
- Vincent Pagneux (U. de Maine)
- John Pendry (Imperial College)
- Ricardo Sapienza (Imperial College)
- Gal Shmuel (Technion)
- Mario Silveirinha (U Lisbon) on "Quantum optical processes in systems with chiral gain"
- Dimitrios Sounas (Wayne State U)
- Douglas Stone (Yale U)
- Evelyn Tang (Rice U) on "Topology protects edge currents in stochastic and biological systems"
- Ewold Verhagen (AMOLF) on "Topology-inspired routes to optical field confinement and enhancement in 2-dimensional photonic crystals"
- Micahel Vogelius (Rutgers U)
- Mu Wang (Nanjing U.)
- Michael Weinstein (Columbia U)
- Aaron Welters (Florida Tech)
- Simon Yves (CUNY)